Saturday, December 5, 2009

Musical Violations?

Hello Doctor John

You have posted content to Yahoo! Answers in violation of our Community Guidelines or Terms of Service. As a result, your content has been deleted. Community Guidelines help to keep Yahoo! Answers a safe and useful community, so we appreciate your consideration of its rules.

Question: Norma or Tosca?

Question Details:

2007-09-05 13:48:24Additional

Callas' greatest role

If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why.


Yahoo! Customer Care

Musical Violations?met opera

Ha ha, what a joke they are.

I got a violation notice for an answer i'd give that was given a 5 star 'best answer', the whole thing is stupid, but funny at times.

Musical Violations?movie theatre opera theater

And did they tell you how to contact customer care?

yahoo seems to be policed by volunteers - geeks doing it for free, and they have no idea about many of the questions and answers - the policy seems to be, If I personally don't understand it, delete it!
Has someone got something against you with all these violations?
How rude!!!

Someone's having a laugh!!!
I've gotten them too. For somewhat replying in the negative and its called violation? LOL
why are you telling us that? just do what they say:

'If you feel this content was removed in error, please contact Customer Care and tell us why'

we all got those poxy unfair 'violations' no one cares ...

Silly YA. Still, your violation is nothing compared to what they slapped me with this week - account suspension for standing up to a fascist. The fascist has not been suspended of course ...
Yahoo NUMPTIES on the loose again - they really should get rid of that pimply 16 year old - he is a pain
Write them and give em Hell. And put names that write you back on top so they're stuck dealing with it again.

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